Clarify Your Message, Elevate Your Impact and Income.

We are the only message development and copywriting agency for coaches, consultants, and advisors that leverages neuroscience-based ethical persuasion and actionable, compassionate empathy to craft powerful messaging, sales copy, and Signature Talk content.

You have a life-changing Message – stories and truths that someone somewhere is begging to hear.

There’s just one problem…

It’s noisier than ever in the ‘online expert’ world. How do you break through to connect with the right people?

You need a clear Message, a way to talk about what you can offer in a way that’s refreshingly sincere and interesting.

Jon Cook Keynote Content Message Specialist

Hi, I’m Jon Cook, founder of Keynote Content, and I know how you feel

When I first started as a writer in 2010, I thought simply sharing my story over and over would ‘automagically’ kickstart fame and fortune.

Instead? *crickets*

Like you’ve probably done, I poured myself into ‘adding value in advance’, being on every social media platform at once, all the usual junk drawer of marketing tips and tricks.

The result? *still a lot of crickets*

It wasn’t until I focused on clarifying my message – what I was actually saying and how I saying it – that I started seeing results. Slowly at first, then, random calls. Emails. Follow-up conversations after speaking at an event.

Since 2017, I’ve worked one-on-one with close to 1,300 coaches, consultants, and advisors across 40+ industries helping clarify their message and elevate their impact.

And I have the plan and the results to show you how YOU can get the alignment and momentum you need to reach more people with YOUR Message.

(This is the part where you’re now curious…”What’s your secret?”)

This is our catalyst for clarity

We combine the power of brain science with the heartbeat of human connection to craft a powerful message your audience will love to think about and feel. We call this Neurempathy™.

We value ethical neuromarketing.

Our Keynote Content team invested over 10,000 hours and $50,000+ studying and testing brain science, neuromarketing, and the ethical side of persuasion.

We practice
true empathy.

We have training and expertise in therapeutic counseling and psychology. Treating audiences with integrity is one of our core values.

Neuroscience +

Compassionate, Actionable Empathy =


We put Neurempathy™ into action using The Expert Elevation Method™, our three-part proprietary process designed to help you get clear on who you are, what you want to say, and why it matters.

Mission. Market. Message. Three words, one Expert Elevation Method – all designed to give your audience a clear context to trust what you have to say. Everything we do fits into this framework. Everything.

Who Is a Great Fit for Us — And Who Isn’t.

We place a high priority on being a great fit with our clients. There are three questions we typically ask prospective clients who are interested in working with our team:

  1. Do you have a message you believe can change the world?
  2. Do you value making an impact as much (or more) as making money with your message?
  3. Are you willing to invest in your message to impact more people than ever before?

If you said YES! to all three of those questions, that’s a great sign! However, that’s not a guarantee we’re a good fit for each other.

We also have a list of principles that protects our ‘why’ and our team. So, if you’re a nice person with a message that can truly help others have a better life, we’d love to serve you.

Your next step: fill out the form below to kickstart a conversation with our team. Let’s do this!

Not ready to talk quite yet?
That’s okay. We planned for that possibility.

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